Friday, November 24, 2006

heart attack pt2 aka "let me out/let me in"

dear theson,
you practically gave your mum a heart attack today and you definitely shaved 3-5yrs off her normal life span .
when she was putting you in the car today, you locked yourself in the car for around 10minutes.
it seems that you did not cry but your mother was frantic and close to tears and most probably in shock.
she asked you to press the button to unlock the car but you did not listen. :-)
she got called the car-service guy for help to break into the car but it did not work as well.
so she decided to go ahead and break the window so they could get to you.
but before they could break anything, you unlocked the car after one of the old auntys staying nearby asked you to open the door. :-)
well thank god.
i spoke to you mother over the phone and i believe shes still in shock.



heart-attack pt1

something did not go right at work.
one of the new tools at work did not work and we had to revert back to the old version.
there was essentially a bug that even my team missed.
not good.
i pray it does not blow up in my face.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

back to the office

thewife is back to work this week and luckily shes on on morning shift.
i had to drop off theson on monday/tuesday at the babysitter and pick him up as well around 6pm+. then i usually spend 2hours playing/reading with him and ensure he's fed (porridge or biscuits, i refuse to buy him KFC whipped potato anymore as i dont think its really healthy) and "watered" (either plain water or juice or his favourite milk/juice drink)

thewife is normally back home by around 730/800pm.
and we give theson hismilk at 830/9oopm and the its off to bed after that.
thewife is pretty tired these few days as she asleep by 930pm as well..

what about me? well, i'm on my laptop with my ravenshield team or watching movies or reading stuff till i'm too sleepy, which is normally around 11pm. still havent finished the prison diary pt3. soon i hope.

Monday, November 20, 2006

theson 3rd birthday: party #1

theson had his party last saturday, organised by thewife's friends..
they love him to bits.
he was bathed, dressed in his birthday clothes and we picked up the cake and arrived at the party place at 600pm sharp.

thewife made some great tuna sandwiches, her famous coconut jelly. and a cool fruit salad with slices of jackfruit. yummy...
another 2 dishes were made by her friend which was the excellent fried chicken and delicious prawn noodles. my stomach could only fit so much so i focused on the chicken and noodles.
..and to top it off, a barney birthday cake for theson....

the presents he got:
-3ft high barney doll
-sling me superman
-remote control car which looked expensive..
-my 1st hard rock t-shirt...
oh how they love to spoil him...

we've been practising on the singing and cutting cake for the last few weeks on playdoh cake and it looked like he got it, but....
at crunch time, he was not really ready for the actual "blow the candles" part
but he did get the "remove the candle and cut the cake" part right...
he was one happy kid....

one more party to go this coming saturday...


green with jealousy

from time to time, i would notice that thewife would get jealous if i mention about kitty.
so being the good husband that i am, i'm actually trying not to be around kitty too much.
and kitty does get quite irritating sometimes... :-)
other that that shes quite a nice person and she does regularly complain to me about her boss.
but she still is just a kid.

and she'll be working for me soon. meaning i'm going to be her boss..
we'll see how that works out... :-P

told thewife that i'm a "one-woman-man"...
i hope she gets it cause i am......

german feast

Thewife took me to for a Bavarian brunch buffet on yesterday. Dropped theson of at thebabysitters and off we went. we really needed the "alone" time away from it all and i'm glad we did it.

It was actually a surprise lunch for me as she only told me the location at the very last minute. it was in one of the hotels up north so we took a leasirely sunday drive and reached there at around noon. the restaurant as fully booked and our booking was the last one to be confirmed.. lucky us..
the food was excellent and we ate till we close to puking...
well in actual fact we didnt really eat that much.
there was just way too much good food to eat and too little stomach space... what a waste...
there was even a space dedicated just for desserts.
desserts which were to die for.

things i remember eating.. well most of them ...
-german sausage soup, heavy on the lentil
(good, but reminded me a bit of greeen bean soup)

-german sausages and saur kraut, bread dumpling, and other german food as well
(sausages were nice and tender with the right amount of "crunch" from the skin, the saur kraut was allright i guess... ate lamb, fish and beef as well but could remember the names)

-cheeses, breads, salads
(didnt have space to eat these...)

-beef mignon, roast chicken,
(didnt have space to eat these...)

-asian, sushi, naan, noodles, satay
(skipped noodles but ate every thing else, for sushi i didnt go for the salmon but instead opted for the baby octopus.. a bit weird tasting)

-puddings, strudels, sacher, mousse, ice cream, peach crumble, apple tart,
(only managed the choc mousse, slice-o-sacher and a scoop of ice cream shared with thewife. the wife was pracitcally overdosed from sugar as she took some choc pudding and it was sweet as hell)

-chocolate fountain
(dipped a honey dew and a marshmallow... the wife took kiwi and mmallow as well... very nice)

-fruit juice, coffee and beer
(drank the orange juice and later had coffee to kill the sugar high from teh desserts. had to skip the beer or else i would have had to skip dessert or i would have puked from overeating)

the live band was playing german folks song i guess... very heavy on the trumpets.. the music actually helped improve the mood during the brunch.
thewife said that she was reminded of gretchen from malcolm in the middle.

thewife said that i'm biased when it comes to food. why?
because the same food could be a dish from an asian country but i would never eat it.
for instance, the saur kraut taste like some chinese veggie dish but she said i would not even look at it but here i was stuffing my face with saur kraut.
well maybe i am biased.... too baaaad.... :-)

after paying, we walked the beach (with lollypops stuck in our mouth) for another 15min before we drove back home, which was another 45min drive. tired.....

we'll be going back next month i guess.. :-)


Friday, November 17, 2006


other words theson uses:
well at least his sense of smell is good, "car smelly", "papa smelly" :-P

Thank you,
once in a while without being prompted he will surprise you with this.

what happened?,
he uses this quite often as the "are you ok?"

what sound?,
if he hears a loud sound but dont know where it came from.

I miss you ,
he tries to say i love you but it comes out as this.... :-)


sos card

thewife gave me 3 sos cards for my last birthday.
the sos card function is to remove any hostilities by chance if we have an argument and i , as usual, am not able to resolve it.
so far i've held out using the cards for over a year but i finally had to use 1 card early november. we had a spat and she was not talking to me, so i took out the card and problem solved.

i have 2 more cards left with expiry dates in mid 2007. :-)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


theson is more vocal about his opinions these days.
if he doesnt like what you're doing he'll tell you or if if you hurt yourself, he'll actually ask you as well..

current top 3 phrases:
"dont do that"
“are you okay?”
the ever famous "no"

he has also mastered many other phrases in mandarin which I do not know..
everything in english is parrotted from me or thewife...


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

theson is still sick

and still cranky... and stubborn…
and still clingly to thewife (believe its because thewife have not been carrying him the last few days since she’s still recovering from her minor-op)
and still eating KFC mash potato and drinking milk.
and he still didn’t sleep much in the afternoon yesterday.
And he’s still coughing a bit and can hear the phlegm in his throat.. trying to teach him to spit it out but most time he just spits his saliva :-)

some changes i've noticed.
previously there was no problem feeding him his medicine but now hes actually refusing to eat them. We had to be more forceful this time.
he had his haircut yesterday without any tears. The first in years. Previously he’ll be crying like a pig being slaughtered. i hope its this easy the next time as well.
he used to be able to drink his milk by himself but these days he’s need thewife to be next to him before he will even drink.

I hope he recovers soon for his birthday parties…
yes, he'll be having 2 parties, one together with my dad and my family & another one with thewifes friends.

printed out some barney pix and took them to the bakery nearby. hope they can recreate his likeness on theson's cake.


Saturday, November 11, 2006

treasure hunt

was supposed to go on a treasure hunt with kitty but i think it not wise since thewife and theson are still not feeling well.
responsibility. sacrifice. family first.
and actually, i'm quite lazy to be driving and running around hunting for clues...
i'm getting old i guess..

so, i'm playing tech support from my PC , direct link to google and wiki.
hope they win.
wonder if they'll share the loot with me?


theson is stil slightly feverish... and he's cranky..
he refuses to eat solids and finishes only 3/4 of his milk all the time.
when he doesnt eat/drink, thewife get stressed and usually i'm caught in the "line of fire"
every single time since theson has been born.. because theson is quite stuborn as well..

normally, she''ll just yell at me or worse, she'll not talk to me..
well, she apologises to me later every single time though, or i will apologise if i created the mess..
actually, sometimes, she'll be pissed at me for what i did and because i'm stubborn, i'll be also pissed at her for being pissed at me (normally if we have something on and the pissing match messes up some schedule or another for dinner, movies, birthdays...etc)
we are both quite stubborn but sooner or later someone will apologize, & most of the time too late actually :-)

whoever said marriage/parenthood is easy? well, nobody actually...
it takes work, lots of it, to make things run smoothly.


fuckin cruel

let me apologize first... i dont normally use curse words in my blog but recent events warrants some....

Sometimes life really is cruel…
life is truly unfair..
or is god cruel??
or am i just a bad blaspheming catholic...?

Thewife is no longer pregnant. :-(
She had an “empty pregnancy” basically the embryo didn’t form. :-(

thewife was spotting blood the last 2 weeks since our 1week holiday and last tuesday, it got heavier. she went to the hospital anf her regular gynae is at a conference so she had to go with the next available one at the hospital.
i should've followed her to the hospital.. i was in a lot of afternoon meetings.. i truly regret.
the doc's ultra sound showed a "round shaped" embryo-egg which is not nornal for 9weeks.
yea, 9 weeks..... :-(
i remember theson sorta looked like a kidney bean at 9weeks.. basically the egg never developed and she was not pregnant. she broke the news to me over the phone sitting in the hospital carpark, in tears.. i was alone in a conference room taking her call.
she said, " its not fair, why her? why would god do this?"
how do i feel? ever been punched in the stomach before? worse than that...
couldnt breathe.... fuck...!!!!!

sigh... we were so happy.... damm.....!!!
well thats life, isnt it??

the doc advised to do in the next day to remove the egg and clean the uterus.
i took leave and follwed her in on thursday. the replacement gynae is pretty good at putting people at ease. like him.
we were there at 830am and thewife has to be prepped for minor surgery with anasthesia, which was at 12pm. it was a daycare surgery and no need to be admitted.
i found a corner spot in the waiting room and sat there reading my clancy from 930am till 12pm. went in the prep room twice to talk to thewife. she seems ok. i was actually quite afraid and i'm sure she was too.
surgery was close to 20mins and she was out by 1pm.
all that time i was actually sitting there and praying while multiple worse case scenatio ran thru my sick mind. close to tears... :-(
i am not ready to lose thewife.
the surgery was a success and i talked to her a bit after she woke up. the doc said all ok and no need to worry.
sat my butt down on the chair for another 2.5 hours to wait while she recovered.

only got to see her again at 345pm. by this time she was fully awake and had her meal already, beverage and 2slices of bread.
i actually did not eat or drink yet since we woke up at 700am today. i didnt want to leave the waiting room in case the nurse called me or if thewife wanted to see me. did not want to take the chance. she's worth the wait. every minute of it.
we were out of the hospital by 530pm and headed to pick theson up.

we talked about the whole thing and why it had happened.
"who knows" i said. maybe god has his reasons...
we will try again..

she said that she's not that sad anymore but i dont really believe her..
you know why? coz i'm still sad as hell... :-)

today, i packed up her maternity clothes and going to put them back in storage. :-(
hoping to take them out again soon...


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

fever broke...

good news is that the fever seems to have broken...
bad news is that theson cant sleep and we're watching barney and oswald at 2am in the morning..
oh i going to suffer tomorrow morning.
thewife has fallen asleep already..


not a good night

theson just threw up on the bed.
his fever didnt seem to break so we gave him his medication but 10minutes later everything came out, milk, oats and medicine and lots of phlegm.
i did the room cleanup while thewife took him out to the sofa to change him.
we're all sleeping in the living room tonight.
taking him to the doctor tomorrow morning.
the life of a father and mother..


Monday, November 06, 2006

new hairdo

by the way, thewife's hair is now curly...very curly... and i actually like it.
(it cost 200 buckaroos, by the way..... mine is usually 7bucks at the old barber shop near my mums place)
anyway, it is supposed to be easier to maintain since she's pregnant now.

i'll be honest, i was a bit shocked at first but its quite nice.
thewife originally has curly/wavy hair and so far she has:-
-cut it shoulder length
-cut it boycut
-straightened it
-dyed red
-dyed blonde
and now its curly... and i like all of them by the way...!!!!!

it would seem the trend for women to always have a new haircut after a while.
straighten if curly, curl if straight... black to red to blonde to brown to black...
i dont really understand why and i wont even try to.
all i know is that if shes happy, i'm happy...
i will just love continue to love her the way she is and luckily so far no major drastic hairstyle change that i dont like.

speaking of hair,
the patch of hair that theson pulled out of his own head is growing back.. slowly but surely...
but i dont think it will be back to normal on his birthday which is just next month.... too bad..
maybe by christmas..
fro now, i'll just have to photograph him from his good side only..



thewife is definitely pregnant again but shes feeling all those "uncomfortableness" that she should be feeling at 5months, now.
she should be 6-8weeks pregnant.
she got all the cravings, aches, pains, swollen legs.
i've also gone for a few food runs for her. nothing too difficult yet.
i'm always willing to please my pregnant wife.
i'm always more than willing to please my pregnant wife.

i'm going to be a father again...!!!!
excited and scared at the same time...
theson was not easy and i dont expect this time to be a walk in the park as well.
at least we are more experienced.... yea right...!!!

boy or girl? i donno....
i just want a healthy happy baby and a healthy happy wife with my healthy happy son.


sick week

its the 2nd week back to work for me and i'm still "sick". sick of work after a long break. last monday i had a slight fever and cough and followed up by my "not going away" stuffy nose.

theson is also sick. running a 38/39'C fever with slight cough. thewife is on night shift but she'll be back early tonight as she's got some offsite meeting in one of the hotel. will need to draw her a map.
theson is sound asleep already. skipped his dinner but i fixed him oats which he ate greedily. kept him drinking water the whole evening. i hope he recover soon. cannot bear to see him sick. poor little guy...

we took theson swimming last weekend at the pool downstairs. pretty enpty excpet for one other guy swimming. theson was a bit reluctant at first to be in the baby pool but in the end he didnt want to leave.. :-) he cant swim yet but we are training him. taught him how to blow bubble and keep telling him to close his mouth so that he doesnt swallow too much water...
i took him over to the big pool as well but he was too freaked out. i have to take it slower then..

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