Saturday, March 28, 2009


hopefully, if everything turn out right, i shud be owning a new panasonic 42inch plasma tv, 42pv80, hd ready by next week... it seems the prices are dropping so i should be able to get it for less than $3000. after that will be getting the PS3 and that my friend, is a very sweet media center: dvd, cd, bluray, usb, 80GB HDD, mp3, avi....and with HD output. the only downside is that the games are a bit pricey.

not again..

was on vomit duty last night. theson threw up at around 11pm..ON THE BED..... sigh... by the time i washed up everything it was already 1145pm. i still managed to cook some noodles and watch a few episodes of heroes..

the right stuff

thewife is an excellent cook when she puts her mind to it. her cream puffs and chocolate eclairs are to die for. why do i like them so much? well, because it not like stuff you get outside.. the usual bland custard puff, corn puff. you do not put gelatinous custard or corn into cream puffs....eeeeyuck....
i'm going to be fat again coz she made a few batches today. it'll be worth it...!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009


We spent nearly 5 hours at the hospital on Sunday. It was a nightmare. There were so many people there that you would think it was a shopping mall. Luckily in between we went to the market to eat and then to a shopping mall to walk around.


Fri: Theson had his teeth checked and he’s got 1 tooth with potential decay (4pm to 530pm). This time he was better and sat on the dentist chair by himself. Very proud of him though he was giggling and laughing when the dentist was poking around in his mouth. Ticklish he said.

Sun: Theson had his eyes checked and he’s shortsighted. (8am to 1pm) for now we’re not letting him wear any specs yet but doc said he shud play outdoor more.

Wed: Thebaby had bad diarrhea for 4 continuous days and went in for a quick check. (8am to 9am) pity the kid, as he seems to have lost weight but overall hes still a happy cheeky baby.

pancakes, really?

I wanted to eat pancakes so thewife decided to make some last night. Told her to refer to the recipe I sent her but she didn’t and made a batch based on her own recipe. It did not turn out well. It was ok but not fluffy. Next time, I think I’ll make them myself.


I always walk to your cube to find you but you can’t walk to mine to look for me? Sigh…



Wednesday, March 18, 2009

the pain..

I’m having a headache about people mapping.. its very depressing and tiring..


It seems these days that you can see me regularly in the cafeteria, either for break, lunch or tea. The sad thing is that normally for lunch I’ll walk the normal food counter, have a look see but in the end I’ll end up going to the vegetarian counter...Most of the time I’ll totally regret it.. The vegetarian food is actually more oily than normal. I actually took the mock prawns today. They can fake the texture and "springiness" of prawns but taste was totally off. Absolutely regretted it.


I’m seriously de-motivated at work these days.. it seems like everyday passes in a blur. Sigh.. need some change. No more drive.

Monday, March 16, 2009

end of galactica and lost and questions...

i hope the question i have below will be answered by the end of the season else i'm gonna be very pissed...
who/what is kara thrace?
how come gaius is the only one that keeps seeing the cyclon#6 chick?
how will jack and co get back to their own time?
how will they get off the island AGAIN?
who is the villain, ben or whitmore?

Sunday, March 15, 2009


my wish list:-
42inch plasma TV
rehaul thewifes bike
new desktop PC
all of the above currently on hold due to the current economic situation
by the way, we are defintely not changing our 2 cars for a very long long time....

Saturday, March 14, 2009


its the season of lent and I'm trying to do penance as best i can. i don't seem to be doing a good job though BUT i have been actually giving up aeting chocolates in the office. haven't bought a piece of choc at all for the last month. hope i can maintain that till Easter.


thewife has been on a weight loss regime for the last few weeks. she wants to look good for an upcoming wedding in may. anyway, shes been eating less and exercising every other night. though she does get a bit cranky when she's food deprived.. but then who isnt..
so far she lost 5kg and i very proud of her. once she hits 60kg shes going to reward herself with a crab dinner... hope those dont add back on the pounds. i think she's gonna keep going till she hits 55kg.......AND lets not forget the 26km bridge run as well.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Like I’ve said, you’ll be surprised that I even hv time to watch “TV”. Well, “TV” on my PC..Dloaded a lot of stuff. Some I’m following quite closely but some I’m trying to find time to watch


Star wars: the clone wars

action packed CGI, no major characters die but the clones die a lot.. and I mean a lot.. violently…


The unit

i actually started on this quite late but its been quite a ride with snakedoctor, bettyblue, coolbreeze, dirtdiver and redcap.


Desperate housewive’s

I watch this with thewife. I seriously hate susan.



Confusing but I’m interested enough to watch. I just want all my questions answered and I wanna know how it all ends.



dloaded but have not seen yet



Quite droll, looks like it wont be heading for season2. I will be very surprised if it did.



dloaded but have not seen yet. Jack, jack, jack, jack… you just couldn’t stay away, could you…….


Battlestar galactica

Quite a gloomy path to the series end… good acting overall though.


The daily show with jon stewart

He’s funny. That’s all I can say.


The Colbert report




I also managed to watch “August rush”. Initially i saw the dvd cover and decided against watching it. I actually left it lying around for 2months but I finally decided to watch it and was very surprised. Watch it. You will not regret it. Not really heavy drama but the story is really interesting. Thewife cried watching it..



: i see more white hair…: i see signs of a receding hairline…: I hear more creaking joints…

This thing all things devour: 
Birds, beast, trees, flowers; 
Gnaws iron, bites steel; 
Grinds hard stones to meal; 
Slays king, ruins town, 
and beats high mountains down.

where do we go from here?

My company claims to care about its employees 1st and foremost. It’s the employee’s that make the company. but I’ve noticed that for the upcoming factory transfer, all the products have been mapped to the new buildings but NONE of us working here in the building  have confirmation of where we’re going yet.

I’ve updated my resume and have been trying to look outside for a job.. so far no success….yet..

but I’m hopeful..


live your life

I started exercising again yesterday. Well, mostly due to a challenge from thewife I think everybody needs to do some form of exercise everyday else our body just wastes away into a blob. Most of the time I’m just lazy or just cant be consistent. My daily exercise is walking to the carpark. Oh yea, and I need to eat healthier..

Thewife’s motivation is to lose weight in time for a wedding in may.. Me? I just want to beat whatever record she can set.. and well improve my stamina. She also said that she want to participate in the 26km bridge run this year.. well, we’ll see..


We just had a 3 day weekend. And I’m more tired than usual. We woke up late @730am


We didn’t go anywhere yesterday and we were home the whole day.Taking care of thebaby is really draining and I’m surprised that we even have time for ourselves..


I managed to surprise thewife by changing the ringtone on her phone.. I tagged “Secondhand serenade – fall for you” as my ringtone.. She got a kick outta that.. Just wait till her boss calls her. I tagged him with “rihanna’s live your life”


99% hit rate ..?

Well ok..Maybe 90%


I’m good with that..


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