Friday, March 27, 2009


We spent nearly 5 hours at the hospital on Sunday. It was a nightmare. There were so many people there that you would think it was a shopping mall. Luckily in between we went to the market to eat and then to a shopping mall to walk around.


Fri: Theson had his teeth checked and he’s got 1 tooth with potential decay (4pm to 530pm). This time he was better and sat on the dentist chair by himself. Very proud of him though he was giggling and laughing when the dentist was poking around in his mouth. Ticklish he said.

Sun: Theson had his eyes checked and he’s shortsighted. (8am to 1pm) for now we’re not letting him wear any specs yet but doc said he shud play outdoor more.

Wed: Thebaby had bad diarrhea for 4 continuous days and went in for a quick check. (8am to 9am) pity the kid, as he seems to have lost weight but overall hes still a happy cheeky baby.


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