3yrs and 5months old
Theson is now 3yrs and 5months old.
he is 1-inch taller than he was on his 3rd birthday.
His appetite has increased very much and will eat anything and everything. he's less picky and will try almost anything these days, well, depending on his mood.
He is very smell oriented as he will smell the new food first before eating. (like thewife and her brother as well… me, I’m taste oriented)
Things he can do by himself:
Eating his food
Drinking his water
Climbing stairs.
Getting in and out of the car
Picking his own clothes
Going to the toilet to pee by himself
he still cant brush his teeth by himself, though. we also actively stated brushing his teeth 2x a day since we noticed a “hole” on his front teeth. Dentist appointment has been set up..
Favourites phrases:
I donno
Oh nooo
mimi ...... (are you surprised?)
Let me talk laah
Papa/mimi, go work..
Don’t want
Nevermind laah
He can speak a lot of Mandarin and Cantonese phrases as well… I can’t translate though.. sorry…
he know a few nursery rhymes and still loves to us to read books for him.
cat in the hat is still a favourite, followed by peter&jane, gingerbread man, hansel&gretel, 3billy goats gruff.
he knows some of the words like "Run, run fast as you can, __ catch me, I’m the gingerbread man…", "trip trap, trip , trap, i'm going to eat you, papa"...
When thewife was on night shift last week, I called her to chat and once theson got on the phone he said, “Mimi, come home … please… mimi, come home…”
I definitely would not want to be thewife on the other side of the phone. Once in a while theson will pull some “drama” stunt like this.. (well that’s what I call it.. )
I try not to fall for it (but sometimes I do…), but thewife falls for these things all the time..
hes quite good with numbers and alphabets and can recognize most of them.
and we recently taught him to read time as well.. all the major ones..
going to school so far has not been a real problem. its only difficult after long holidays breaks and we need to convince him to go back to school.
music class also is not a problem. again its more of whether hes had his nap or not and his attention span. most days. he will participate and sing but sometimes he will just sit there and ask me to hold his hands to do all the song actions. :-P
and hes still a zombie for oswald, elmo, barney, tubbies and pingu tv shows...
he is 1-inch taller than he was on his 3rd birthday.
His appetite has increased very much and will eat anything and everything. he's less picky and will try almost anything these days, well, depending on his mood.
He is very smell oriented as he will smell the new food first before eating. (like thewife and her brother as well… me, I’m taste oriented)
Things he can do by himself:
Eating his food
Drinking his water
Climbing stairs.
Getting in and out of the car
Picking his own clothes
Going to the toilet to pee by himself
he still cant brush his teeth by himself, though. we also actively stated brushing his teeth 2x a day since we noticed a “hole” on his front teeth. Dentist appointment has been set up..
Favourites phrases:
I donno
Oh nooo
mimi ...... (are you surprised?)
Let me talk laah
Papa/mimi, go work..
Don’t want
Nevermind laah
He can speak a lot of Mandarin and Cantonese phrases as well… I can’t translate though.. sorry…
he know a few nursery rhymes and still loves to us to read books for him.
cat in the hat is still a favourite, followed by peter&jane, gingerbread man, hansel&gretel, 3billy goats gruff.
he knows some of the words like "Run, run fast as you can, __ catch me, I’m the gingerbread man…", "trip trap, trip , trap, i'm going to eat you, papa"...
When thewife was on night shift last week, I called her to chat and once theson got on the phone he said, “Mimi, come home … please… mimi, come home…”
I definitely would not want to be thewife on the other side of the phone. Once in a while theson will pull some “drama” stunt like this.. (well that’s what I call it.. )
I try not to fall for it (but sometimes I do…), but thewife falls for these things all the time..
hes quite good with numbers and alphabets and can recognize most of them.
and we recently taught him to read time as well.. all the major ones..
going to school so far has not been a real problem. its only difficult after long holidays breaks and we need to convince him to go back to school.
music class also is not a problem. again its more of whether hes had his nap or not and his attention span. most days. he will participate and sing but sometimes he will just sit there and ask me to hold his hands to do all the song actions. :-P
and hes still a zombie for oswald, elmo, barney, tubbies and pingu tv shows...
Labels: theson