Monday, December 06, 2010

both down and out on a monday

Both of us are down and went to see the doc today.


Wifey coughed until she sounded like Gollum and I can’t scratch my back as my shoulder feels  like its going to pop outta its socket.

And surprisingly, the doctor said my throat is infected as well..


I suspect its all due to #2.

Hes the only one sick last week.


Rest and recuperate.


Friday, December 03, 2010

wretched hive

Kindergartens: a wretched hive of germs and viruses.


#2 finally succumbed after ~3ww going to the nursery.

Down with fever.

And he’s crankier than normal and clingier as well.


Let’s not do the hospital thing again..

Ever again..!!!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010


We finally sent #2 to the full daycare aka nursery.

This is week3 already.

Hes ok but gets a bit cranky in the mornings.

The 1st 2 weeks he walked in to the nursery without looking back at us.


So far hes a better ‘adapter’.

He can mingle well and make friends.

And so far no problems with his food as well.

And he finishes his water.




Getting better at my guitar.

Chords are ok but strumming and “picking” still needs lots of work.

I think i need to follow the 10000hour rule.

I will definitely be an expert if I play the guitar productively for 10000hours.

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