Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I’m updating my resume.

Finally..!! After months and months of procrastination.

Its time to mobilize since things are uncertain and promises may be broken.

Well, we’ll see.


Anyway, I have 8 years of experience, projects and accomplishments to write and summarize into 2-3 pages.

It’s not easy.

The good thing is that, there’s not much work to do these days…so I’m actually 90% done already on my resume.


Also, it’s been ~8yrs since my last job interview.

I’m not even going to think about that for now…


Monday, February 09, 2009


Finally back to work today and I’m sleepy as hell..

This happens when you take afternoon naps for the last 1week..

I miss my afternoon naps with thebaby.


Anyway, hes not feeling too good these few days.

Hes coughing like crazy and cant keep his milk/cereal/food down.

Pity the small guy…

Took him to the hospital today and doc ask to continue on his cough medication.

Sigh. Hope he gets better soon.

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