what to do...
Times are hard…
Economy worldwide sucks.. Our stock is nose-diving.
Bosses say “be focused” but “maybe no raise”…
Stay the course..
Motivating people will be difficult…
Not one of my stronger points..
Times are hard…
Economy worldwide sucks.. Our stock is nose-diving.
Bosses say “be focused” but “maybe no raise”…
Stay the course..
Motivating people will be difficult…
Not one of my stronger points..
Its that time of the year again..
And so we hv to be ready for the regular 3 parties in November for theson
1 party at his kindy (cake + goodie bag for kids)
1 party at thewife’s mums place (cake + goodie bag for kids)
1 party at my dads place (cake only)
Then there’s thebaby’s 1st birthday in december… Another momentous occasion
We are going to be very busy…
"Fear is the path to the dark side: fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering." – yoda.
Doesn’t this describe the state of things in the world today?
'Good' is a point of view.
Hmmmmmm… what do you think?
My ISP really, really sucks. Download rate of 5 to 10kbps only. Slower than slow.. Slower than snail pace..
How did we ever survive with just dial-up many, many years ago..??!!?? I can recall playing Diablo on battle.net over my dial-up modem. LOL. Those were the days
In retaliation, I have resorted to “reading”… Yes reading.. Actual books..
Its actually quite refreshing to be reading again. I Finished 2 books in ~2weeks. “Area7” and “6 sacred stones” by matt reilly. Quite fast I must say but then again they were “easy reads”
Te difference between me the thewife when we listen to music is that I pay attention to the lyrics. She doesn’t. Some songs have really nice melodies and vocals but the lyrics are really negative, or anti-love songs as I call it.. Like songs by chemical romance. So when I sing in the car, I’m the only one listening…