Tuesday, June 27, 2006

59th floor

My sis was back last Thursday for a short holiday and she left on Sunday afternoon. Theson is always happy to see her. Anyway, she just got a new job on the 59th floor on the 2tower in the capital and got a raise as well. She now earns more than me. And she still wants 2.5million if we ever win the 10million lottery. It actually started at 500k but somehow increased to 2.5mil.
She spent the whole weekend watching “Charmed” taped by my dad on the vcr.
the whole family went for a bbq-steamboat dinner on sat night. It was an all you can eat and eat we did. (Or I did) quite a lot of variety and i was busy bbq-ueing the squid.

Something happened to the transformer yesterday at the office. Heard that it blew up or something and so we in the office were bombarded by a constant hum of the backup gen. The air seems stuffy as well.. Not sure if its the aircon or the fumes from the backup gen. It seems the backup gen are right next to the aircon and due to the heat it generates, it keeps tripping the circuit and the aircon keeps having to be restarted. :-P


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