Thursday, January 04, 2007

day1 at the nursery

thewife and i have been talking about sending theson to nursery school and finally we decided on one quite close to the office and to the babysitter's house. well, 10minutes away, so close enough..
we expect to thebabysitter to take a paycut since theson will be there only for 1/2 the day. still in negotiation as thebabysitter does not agree. :-P

school fees are like 0.8k for registration and 200 a month for 1/2 day care. jeeez....
how would i send my kids to school if i was poor? are there kindergarten for poor kids?.. sheesh..
anyway, when we sent him there on the 1st day, he did not cry and was putting up quite a brave front actually... and i'm worried that he normally keeps his feelings pent up.. and he'll start scratching due to the stress related..
i believe thewife should be more worried than me, actually. (she just cant let go so fast...)
we're just worried that he can't cope.

thewife was there for the whole duration and she had some comments
-parents shud not name their kids oscar or lester
-lots of kids exhibiting crocodile tears and tantrums. thewife was shocked actually.
-kids <3yrs shud not be sent to school as they are too young. she said they were just lazing around aimlessly.
-hope theson will no tbe bullied
-majority of kids in theson's class seem "bigger". believe this is due to they are 3 going on 4 while the son is 2 going on 3..
-he did not pee for 3hours and finally wet his pants. think he still getting used to his new surroundings. (taught him to tell his teacher if he wants to go to the toilet. hope it works..)



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